Results for 'Pascual F. MartínezFreire'

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  1.  19
    El debate mente-cerebro a la luz de las nuevas técnicas de exploración del cerebro.Pascual F. MartínezFreire - 2016 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 4.
    RESUMENTras analizar sucintamente las conseciencias científicas y filosóficas de la identidad mente-cerebro, se señalan argumentos a favor y en contra de mantener el debate mente.cerebro. En particular se consideran las nuevas técnicas de exploración del cerebro como argumento en contra de tal debate. las deficiencias e insuficiencias de tales técnicas aconsejan mantener el debate mente-cerebro y no asumir el materialismo. PALABRAS CLAVEMENTE-CEREBRO - EXPLORACIÓN DEL CEREBRO- RMF-TEPABSTRACTAfcter a brief analysis of the scientific and philosophical consequences of the mind-brain identify thesis, (...)
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  2. Procesos mentales y cognitivismo.Pascual F. Martínez Freire - 1992 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 7:143-160.
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  3. El futuro de las máquinas pensantes.Pascual F. Martínez Freire - 1996 - Diálogo Filosófico 35:235-250.
    ¿Llegarán los ordenadores a sustituir a los seres humanos? Lo que hasta hace unas décadas parecía una pregunta de ciencia-ficción, es ahora defendido con seriedad por algunos especialistas en inteligencia artificial. El presente articulo dibuja las más importantes líneas de investigación en este campo y las posiciones más relevantes respecto de la relación hombre-maquina pensante. La conclusión que propone el autor supone una decidida apuesta por un humanismo en el que quepa integrar el desarrollo tecnológico sin perder de vista sus (...)
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  4. La naturaleza representacional de la mente en Leibniz.Pascual F. Martínez Freire - 2010 - In Manuel Sánchez Rodríguez & Sergio Rodero Cilleros (eds.), Leibniz en la filosofía y la ciencia modernas. Granada: Comares. pp. 247--264.
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  5. Wittgenstein y Fodor sobre el lenguaje privado.Pascual F. Martínez Freire - 1995 - Anuario Filosófico 28 (2):357-376.
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  6. Concepciones cognitivas del ser humano.Pascual F. Martínez Freire - 2003 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 8:109-122.
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  7. Delimitación de las ciencias cognitivas.Pascual F. Martínez Freire - 1992 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 1:443-452.
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    El debate mente-cerebro a la luz de las nuevas técnicas de exploración del cerebro.Pascual F. Martínez Freire - 1999 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 4:65-75.
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  9. El futuro de la filosofía de la mente.Pascual F. Martínez Freire - 2008 - Ludus Vitalis 16 (29):187-190.
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  10. El giro cognitivo en Filosofía de la Ciencia.Pascual F. Martínez Freire - 1997 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 17 (1):105-122.
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  11. Filosofía y lógica en el segundo Wittgenstein.Pascual F. Martínez Freire - 1988 - Diálogo Filosófico 12:294-310.
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  12. La articulación de la razón científica.Pascual F. Martínez Freire - 1985 - Anuario Filosófico 18 (2):129-146.
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  13. La limitada racionalidad humana.Pascual F. Martínez Freire - 2002 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 7:101-114.
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  14. Psicología y materialismo.Pascual F. Martínez Freire - 2004 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 9:123-142.
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    Informed consent doesn't exist in AMI trials.F. Verdu-Pascual - 2002 - Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (3):190-191.
    Hilden and Gammelgaard's comments on the evaluation and application of statistical trials and on informed consent lead to the same conclusion that there are special circumstances when clinical trials are performed in emergency situations.The decision to comment on the work that H&G responded to was motivated by the wish to manifest the need to reach a consensus on modifying the conditions in which clinical trials should be performed in special circumstances.One unquestionable fact must first be addressed: clinical trials are necessary (...)
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    Randomised clinical trials: a source of ethical dilemmas.F. Verdu-Pascual - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (3):177-178.
    Advances in medicine are closely linked to clinical research, but certain study procedures may be in conflict with the fundamental principles of ethics and codes of conduct in medicine. Following an analysis of two studies involving treatments for acute myocardial infarction (AMI), the admissibility of continuing a study was questioned after the initial results for two types of treatment showed that one was significantly better than the other. Also considered doubtful was the information provided to patients with the object of (...)
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  17. Educación, metafísica y epistemología Algunas reflexiones para la educación de la filosofía.F. Pascual - 1999 - Alpha Omega 2 (3):483-520.
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  18. Enseñanza y comunicación en la Metafisica de Aristóteles.F. Pascual - 1999 - Alpha Omega 2 (1):131-161.
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  19. Stigmatizzati e apparizioni.F. Sanchez-Ventura Y. Pascual - forthcoming - Studium.
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  20. Algunas observaciones sobre la identidad.Pascual F. Martínez Freire - 1978 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 8 (3):215-228.
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  21. Beig inside: Putting representation, body and world together again.Pascual F. Martíne-Freire - 2005 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía:39-50.
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  22. El debate mente-cerebro a la luz de las nuevas técnicas de exploración.Pascual F. Martínez-Freire - 1999 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 4:65-75.
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  23. En filosofía de la mente.Pascual F. Martínez-Freire - 2011 - Ludus Vitalis 19 (35):227-230.
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  24. El futuro de la filosofía de la mente.Pascual F. Martínez-Freire - 2008 - Ludus Vitalis 16 (29):187-190.
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    La importancia del conocimiento: filosofía y ciencias cognitivas.Pascual F. Martínez-Freire - 2005 - Málaga: Universidad de Málaga.
  26.  13
    La limitada racionalidad humana.Pascual F. Martínez-Freire - 2016 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 7.
    RESUMENEn primer lugar, se analiza la teoría clásica, tal como la formuló Aristóteles, de los seres humanos como animales racionales. En segundo lugar, se presenta la caracterización del hombre como no animal e irracional que ofrece Martinho da Vila. En tercer lugar, se consideran las tesis freudianas sobre la mezcla de racionalidad e irracionalidad en los humanos. En cuarto lugar, se señalan algunos puntos de vista recientes, debidos a Simon así como a la psicología y neurociencia actuales, sobre la limitación (...)
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  27. La teoría de la verdad de Alfred Tarski.Pascual F. Martínez Freire - 2000 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 5:99-111.
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    Un cuarto de siglo de Contrastes.Pascual F. Martínez Freire - 2020 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 25 (3):7-10.
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  29. Y conocimiento experimental en filosofía de la mente.Pascual F. Martínez-Freire - 2009 - Ludus Vitalis 17 (32):443-446.
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    Corrigendum to “Reliability Assessment Methodology for Massive Manufacturing Using Multi-Function Equipment”.M. López-Campos, F. Kristjanpoller, P. Viveros & R. Pascual - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-1.
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    Giovanni R.F. Ferrari, Città e anima nella Repubblica di Platone[REVIEW]Fernando Pascual - 2013 - Alpha Omega 16 (2):333-334.
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    E. Bartolini - A. I. Daddi - A. F. Indelicato (a cura di), Il futuro dell’antico. Filosofia antica e mondo contemporaneo. [REVIEW]Fernando Pascual - 2020 - Alpha Omega 23 (3):535-536.
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    Reflective based learning for nursing ethical competency during clinical practices.Isabel Font Jiménez, Laura Ortega Sanz, Juan Luis González Pascual, Pilar González Sanz, Maria Jesús Aguarón García & María F. Jiménez-Herrera - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (4):598-613.
    Background A combination of theoretical and practical approaches is required to learn and acquire ethical competencies in caring. Occasionally, reflection on practical action differs from theoretical learning. In the context of reflective learning, issues such as ethical values can be discussed since they evoke conflict among nursing students. Aim To identify ethical conflicts encountered by nursing students during clinical placements and to determine their cooperation strategies. Research design Qualitative study with a content analysis according to Elo and Kinglas framework. Participants (...)
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    Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) therapy for autism: an international consensus conference held in conjunction with the international meeting for autism research on May 13th and 14th, 2014. [REVIEW]Lindsay M. Oberman, Peter G. Enticott, Manuel F. Casanova, Alexander Rotenberg, Alvaro Pascual-Leone & James T. McCracken - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  35. Natur, Geist, Geschichte.Josef Hanslmeier - 1950 - München-Pasing,: Filser-Verlag.
    Der Weg zum Werk, von U. Schöndorfer.--Von Augustinus bis zu Pascual Jordan, von B. Bavink.--Begriff der Potenz und neue Physik, von H. Conrad-Martius.--Zur Terminologie der Naturphilosophie, von A. Dempf.--Die Elementenlehre des Platon und Demokrit, von P. Wilpert. Prinzipielle Subjecktivierungsgrenzen, von A. Konrad.--Zur Fritz Mauthners Sprachkritik, von Stürmann.--Positivismus und gefährdete Humanität, von F. Joachim v. Rintelen.--Zum Problem der sittlichen Sanktion, von A. Wilmsen. Das existenzielle Denken. Sein Wert und seine Grenzen, von A. Guggenberger.
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    Allegory Old and New: In Literature, the Fine Arts, Music and Theatre, and Its Continuity in Culture.M. Kronegger & Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 1994 - Springer Verlag.
    Bringing allegory into the light from the neglect into which it fell means focusing on the wondrous heights of the human spirit in its significance for culture. Contemporary philosophies and literary theories, which give pre-eminence to primary linguistics forms (symbol and metaphor), seem to favor just that which makes intelligible communication possible. But they fall short in accounting for the deepest subliminal founts that prompt the mind to exalt in beauty, virtue, transcending aspiration. The present, rich collection shows how allegory, (...)
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    Fast backprojections from the motion to the primary visual area necessary for visual awareness.Alvaro Pascual-Leone & Vincent Walsh - 2001 - Science 292 (5516):510-512.
  38.  84
    Does Greenwashing Pay Off? Understanding the Relationship Between Environmental Actions and Environmental Legitimacy.Pascual Berrone, Andrea Fosfuri & Liliana Gelabert - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 144 (2):363-379.
    Do firms gain environmental legitimacy when they conform to external expectations regarding the natural environment? Drawing on institutional logic and signaling theory, we investigate sources of heterogeneity in the impacts of environmental actions on environmental legitimacy. Longitudinal data about 325 publicly traded U.S. firms in polluting industries support the notion that environmental actions help firms gain environmental legitimacy. However, some actions instead can harm this legitimacy if environmental performance deteriorates and the firm is subject to intense scrutiny from nongovernmental organizations. (...)
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  39. Corporate Ethical Identity as a Determinant of Firm Performance: A Test of the Mediating Role of Stakeholder Satisfaction.Pascual Berrone, Jordi Surroca & Josep A. Tribó - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 76 (1):35-53.
    In this article, we empirically assess the impact of corporate ethical identity (CEI) on a firm's financial performance. Drawing on formulations of normative and instrumental stakeholder theory, we argue that firms with a strong ethical identity achieve a greater degree of stakeholder satisfaction (SS), which, in turn, positively influences a firm's financial performance. We analyze two dimensions of the CEI of firms: corporate revealed ethics and corporate applied ethics. Our results indicate that revealed ethics has informational worth and enhances shareholder (...)
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    Ethical Reputation of Financial Institutions: Do Board Characteristics Matter?Laura Baselga-Pascual, Antonio Trujillo-Ponce, Emilia Vähämaa & Sami Vähämaa - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (3):489-510.
    This paper examines the association between board characteristics and the ethical reputation of financial institutions. Given the pivotal governance role of the board of directors and the value-relevance of ethical corporate behavior, we postulate a positive relationship between ethical reputation and board features that foster more effective monitoring and oversight. Using a sample of large financial institutions from 13 different countries, we run several alternative panel regressions of ethical reputation on board characteristics and firm-specific controls. Our results demonstrate that the (...)
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    Quantenphyfikalifche bemerkungen zur biologie und pfychologie.Pascual Jordan - 1934 - Erkenntnis 4 (1):215-252.
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    The Relationship Between Executive Functions and Academic Performance in Primary Education: Review and Meta-Analysis.Alejandra Cortés Pascual, Nieves Moyano Muñoz & Alberto Quílez Robres - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Fictive interaction within the sentence: A communicative type of fictivity in grammar.Esther Pascual - 2006 - Cognitive Linguistics 17 (2).
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    The conversation frame: Forms and functions of fictive interaction.Esther Pascual & Sergeiy Sandler (eds.) - 2016 - Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
    This edited volume brings together the latest research on fictive interaction, that is the use of the frame of ordinary conversation as a means to structure cognition (talking to oneself), discourse (monologues organized as dialogues), and grammar (“why me? attitude”). This follows prior work on the subject by Esther Pascual and other authors, most of whom are also contributors to this volume. The 17 chapters in the volume explore fictive interaction as a fundamental cognitive phenomenon, as a ubiquitous discourse-structuring (...)
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    When “Goal!” means ‘soccer’.Esther Pascual, Aline Dornelas & Todd Oakley - 2017 - Pragmatics and Cognition 24 (3):315-345.
    Autism is characterized by repetitive behavior and difficulties in adopting the viewpoint of others. We examine a communicative phenomenon resulting from these symptoms: non-prototypical direct speech for non-reports involving an actual utterance from previously produced discourse (e.g. quoting somebody’s words to refer to them,Pascual 2014). We video-recorded the naturalistic speech of five Brazilian children with autism, five typically developing children of the same mental age, and five of the same chronological age. They all used so-calledfictive speech(Pascual 2014,Dornelas & (...)
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    CLIMAVORE: Divesting from Fish Farms Towards the Tidal Commons.Daniel Fernández Pascual & Alon Schwabe - 2024 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 37 (2):1-22.
    In Scotland, residents have fought open-net salmon farms and their toll on human and nonhuman bodies for decades. This paper recollects seven years of work in Skye and Raasay, two islands off the northwest coast of the country, developing strategies to divest away from salmon aquaculture. Addressing the contemporary wave of underwater clearances created by UK’s top food export industry, it unpacks the implementation of a transition into alternative horizons by embracing the legacies of toxicity inherited from salmon extractivist industries. (...)
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  47.  27
    Future Intentions of Fitness Center Customers: Effect of Emotions, Perceived Well-Being and Management Variables.Fernando García-Pascual, Vicente Prado-Gascó, Mario Alguacil, Irena Valantine & Ferran Calabuig-Moreno - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Early years of quantum mechanics: some reminiscences.Pascual Jordan - 1973 - In Jagdish Mehra (ed.), The physicist's conception of nature. Boston,: Reidel. pp. 294--299.
  49.  15
    Non-invasive brain stimulation as a therapeutic and investigative tool! An ethical appraisal.Alvaro Pascual-Leone, Felipe Fregni, Forrow L. Steven-Wheeler & Lachlan Forrow - 2013 - In Judy Illes & Barbara J. Sahakian (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Neuroethics. Oxford University Press.
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  50. La pretensión de verdad del cristianismo a la luz del pensamiento de Joseph Ratzinger.Rafael Pascual - 2010 - Alpha Omega 13 (3):377-391.
    La questione sulla verità del cristianesimo è fondamentale e ineludibile. In essa si trova uno dei filoni fondamentali del pensiero di Joseph Ratzinger – Benedetto XVI. In fondo si trovano coinvolti una serie di argomenti che si possono riassumere nel rapporto tra fede e ragione, tra il Dio della fede e il Dio dei filosofi. Nella visione cristiana ambedue non si contrappongono, ma s’incontrano. La “distinzione mosaica” s’incontra con la “distinzione socratica” . La pretesa di verità del cristianesimo conduce a (...)
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